文章来源:BEAT365唯一官网 发布于:2017-10-22 浏览:19972
Li, J.S., Shi, K., Liu, B., Gao, J., Wei, X.(2023). Forests or trees? The effect of generating solutions to distant analogies on global-local processing. Psychological Research, in press.
Li, J.S., Shi, K., Guo, H., Sun, L., & Wang, S. (2023). Global or local processing: relationship between multicultural experiences and information processing of minority group members. Current Psychology,online published.
Li, J.S., Shi, K., Wei, X., & Xia, Y. (2023). Generating solutions to far analogies makes individuals tend to categorize information based on thematic relations. Cognitive Processing, 24(3), 471–480.
Li, J.S., Guo, H., Shi, K., Sun, L., & Wang, F. (2022). Unconscious thoughts tend to categorize information based on thematic relations. Current Psychology,42(10), 22910–22918.
Li, J.S., Sun, L., Guo, H., Shi, K., & Chen, L. (2022). Making appropriate new choices through unconscious thought based on new goals. Psychological Reports,Psychological Reports, 126(5), 2433-2445.
Li, J.S., Chen, L., Pan, D., Wang, F., & Yang, Y. (2021). Red or blue? Effects of background color in distraction tasks on global processing in unconscious thought. Current Psychology, 40(5), 2153-2160.
Li, J.S., Guo, Y., Shi, K., Li, X., & Xie, J. (2021). Similar or dissimilar? Influence of similarity between distraction tasks and target tasks on unconscious thought. International Journal of Psychology, 56(5), 783-790.
Li, J.S., Li, X. Y.,Zhang, X. Q., Shi, K., & He, Y.(2020). Can unconscious thought detect relational similarities?. International Journal of Psychology, 55, 60-66.
Li, J.S., Wang, S. Y.,Zheng, H.,Pan, D. F., Wang, Y.,& Yang, Yang. (2020). Overseas study experience and global processing style. Current Psychology, 39, 913-918.
Li, J.S., Zhang, X. Z,Zheng, H., & Lu, Q. Q.(2019). Global processing styles facilitate the discovery of structural similarity. Psychological Reports, 122, 1755–1765.
Li, J. S., Chen, L. Y.,Pan, D. F., & Yang, Y. (2019). Red or blue? Effects of background color in distraction tasks on global processing in unconscious thought. Current Psychology, 41,11-17.
Li, J.S., Wang, F., Shen, M. W., & Fan, G. (2017). The tendency of unconscious thought towards global processing style. Consciousness and Cognition, 53, 14-22.
Li, J.S.,Zhao,A.Y.,Liu,Y.C.,Li,X.Y.,Xie,J.Y.,Zhu, Y. W. (2016).On-Line Judgment Does not Impact Previous Decisions Made by Unconscious Thought. Current Psychology, 3, 1-9.
Li, J.S,Gao. Q.Y, Zhou, J.F, Li, X.Y, Zhang, M., Shen, M.W. (2014). Bias or equality: Unconscious thought equally integrates temporally scattered information. Consciousness and Cognition, 25, 77-87.
Li, J.S,Zhu. Y.W, Yang, Y. (2014). The Merits of Unconscious Thought in Rule Detection. PLOS one. 29, 1120-1129.
Wan, M.G., Yang Y.,Li, J.S(通讯作者). (2016). Do multicultural experiences facilitate global processing style?. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 19, 209-214.
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