文章来源:BEAT365唯一官网 发布于:2023-10-12 浏览:2798
周星,博士,BEAT365唯一官网硕士生导师。于2019年6月、2023年6月毕业于辽宁师范大学脑与认知神经科学研究中心基础心理学专业,获教育学硕士学位和教育学博士学位。主要使用ERP, fMRI, TMS等方法研究时间压力下社会决策加工倾向、奖赏与情绪注意加工的认知神经机制,目前,相关研究成果发表在Brain Sciences, Frontiers in Psychology, International Journal of Psychophysiology以及心理科学等国内外知名期刊。
邮箱:psyzhouxing@nwnu.edu.cn psy_zhouxing@126.com
Zhou, X., Wang, Y., He, W., Li, S., Jia, S., Feng, C., Gu, R., Luo, W*. (2023). Time Pressure Weakens Social Norm Maintenance in Third-Party Punishment. Brain Sciences, 13(2).
Zhou, X., Du, B., Wei, Z., & He, W*.(2020). Attention capture of non-target emotional faces: an evidence from reward learning. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 3004.
Wang, Y., Zhou, X., Peng, X., & Hu, X. (2022). Task switching involves working memory: Evidence from neural representation. Frontiers in psychology, 13,
Li, S., Ding, R., Zhao, D., Zhou, X., Zhan, B., & Luo, W*. (2022). Processing of emotions expressed through eye regions attenuates attentional blink. International journal of psychophysiology, 182, 1–11.
Zhang, M., Zhang, K., Zhou, X., Zhan, B., He, W*., & Luo, W*. (2021). Similar CNV Neurodynamic Patterns between Sub- and Supra-Second Time Perception. Brain sciences, 11(10), 1362.
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